Oceanic Tribal Art
Oceanic tribal art and antique artworks from Polynesia, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand
We offer a range of antique artefacts made by the native people the pacific Islands, Polynesia Melanesia Australia and New Zealand In recent years the art of this immense region and its rich and varied artistic heritage has become greatly appreciated by the art and antique collectors worldwide.
The Oceanic Tribal Art collection includes:
Papua New Guinea tribal art
Polynesian Wars Clubs
Oceanic Masks and figures
Aboriginal shields clubs and boomerangs and Maori Artefacts
All Oceanic Tribal Art items are unconditionally guaranteed authentic as to period and condition described.
Showing 1–9 of 13 results
Australian Aboriginal old boomerang chip carved design
£175.00 -
Fiji Ula Club Polynesian war club Tribal Oceanic
Finely carved antique Maori hard wood stick staff
Oceanic Papua New Guinea Large Ramu river gable mask
Oceanic Presentation Axe Papua New Guinea Eastern Highlands
£225.00 -
Oceanic Schouten islands Pounder Papua New Guinea
SOLD Admiralty islands ceremonial obsidian flint Spear Head Oceanic Polynesian Australian
SOLD Australian Aboriginal throwing club Oceanic tribal art
SOLD Fine Antique Aboriginal Wunda shield Tribal Australia